
Publications du Dr Dia EL ALLAF

1.      J. CARLIER, S. CREMERS, D. EL ALLAF et C. DE LANDSHEERE : Comparaison de l’absorption de la digoxine et de ses dérivés. VIIème Entretiens de Cardiologie de Langue Française, Marseille, juin 1978, Résumé des Communications, 6-7.

2.      J. CARLIER, D. EL ALLAF, S. CREMERS and C. DE LANDSHEERE : Blood levels after administration to volunteers of a single dose of either digoxin, or its acetyl or methyl derivates. VIII World Congress of Cardiology, Tokyo 1978, Abstracts-I, 1317.

3.      J. CARLIER, S. CREMERS, D. EL ALLAF et C. DE LANDSHEERE : Comparaison de l’absorption de la digoxine et de ses dérivés. Arch. Mal. Coeur, 1978, 71, 1179.

4.      G. BAUDINET, L. HENRARD, N. QUINAUX, D. EL ALLAF, DE  LANDSHEERE, J. CARLIER and  A. DRESSE : Pharmacokinetics of mexiletine in renal insufficiency. Acta Cardiologica, 1980, suppl. XXV, 55-65.

5.      A. DRESSE, N. QUINAUX, G. BAUDINET, J. CARLIER, L. HENRARD et D. EL ALLAF : Cinétique plasmatique de la mexilétine (Mexitil) chez des sujets normaux et insuffisants rénaux après administration intraveineuse. Actualité méd. Belge, 1980, numéro spécial, 14.

6.      D. EL ALLAF, L. HENRARD, D. DELAPIERRE, J. PIROTTE, J. CARLIER  and A. DRESSE : Mexiletine pharmacokinetics in renal failure, cirrhosis and advanced rigth heart failure. Eighth International Congress of Pharmacology,  July 19-21, 1981, Tokyo, Abstract Book, Abstract n° 951,  p 509.

7.      D. EL ALLAF, J. PIROTTE and J. CARLIER : Influence of right heart failure on hepatic biotransformation of drugs. XVI International Congress of Therapeutics, Porto,           Book of Abstracts, 81.

8.      D. EL ALLAF, J. PIROTTE et J. CARLIER : L’influence de la décompensation cardiaque droite sur la biotransformation des drogues. Rev. méd. Liège, 1982, 37 (6), 197-200.

9.      J. PIROTTE, D. EL ALLAF et J. CARLIER : Métabolisme hépatique de l’aminopyrine 14c dans la décompensation cardiaque droite chronique. Gastroentérol. clin. biol., 1982, 6, 25A.

10.    H. HADJOUDJ, D. EL ALLAF, J. SIQUET, J-M. DESPAS, R. MARCELLE et                              H. VAN CAUWENBERGE : La Leptospirose. Rev. méd. Liège, 1982, 37, 77-81.

11.    D. EL ALLAF, H. HADJOUDJ, J. SIQUET, E. BERTRAND and J. DEMONTY : The efficacy of ticarcillin combined with tobramycin in the treatment of severe respiratory infections in an intensive care unit. Acta Therapeutica, 1982, 8, 123-129.

12.    D. EL ALLAF, L. HENRARD, J. CARLIER and A. DRESSE : Mexiletine pharmacokinetics in renal failure, cirrhosis and advanced right heart failure. IXth World Congress of Cariology, Moscow, 1982, Abstracts volume I, 0619.

13.    S. CREMERS, D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO and J. CARLIER : Dopamine and Dobutamine in the treatment of low cardiac output and hypotension. IXth World Congress of Cardiology, Moscow, 1982, Abstracts volume II, 0262, p. 71.

14.    D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO, S. CREMERS, A. DRESSE and J. CARLIER : Hemodynamic effects and pharmacokinetic results of AR-L 115 BS in patients with severe heart failure. Workshop on « inotropic durgs of the future ». 16th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation, Luxembourg, 1982, Abstracts, 12.

15.    D. EL ALLAF : Angor et infarctus. Sandoz Congrès, 3ème trimestre, 1982, 20-21.

16.    D. EL ALLAF, L. HENRARD, L. CROCHELET, D. DELAPIERRE, J. CARLIER and                    A. DRESSE : Pharmacokinetics of mexiletine in renal insufficiency.                                     Brit. J. clin. Pharmacol., 1982, 14 (3), 431-435.

17.    D. EL ALLAF, J. PIROTTE and J. CARLIER : Influence of right heart failure on hepatic biotransformation of drugs.    XVIth Congress of the International Society of Internal Medicine, Prague, 1982, Abstract 011.

18.    J. CARLIER et D. EL ALLAF : Interactions pharmacocinétiques concernant les médicaments utilisés en cardiologie. Méd. et Hyg., 1982, 40, 4397-4402.

19.    D. EL ALLAF, C. DE LANDSHEERE and J. CARLIER : Gitoformate pharmacokinetics in renal failure and cirrhosis. Eighth European Workshop on Drug Metabolism, Liège, 1982, Abstract Book n° 218, p. 141.

20.    LESNE, Ph. JACQMIN, D. EL ALLAF et J. CARLIER : Pharmacocinétique de la gitaloxine chez l’homme sain et chez l’insuffisant rénal. Thérapie, 1982, 37 (6),  641-644.

21.    N. GARZANITI,  D. EL ALLAF, S. CREMERS, V. D’ORIO, R. MARCELLE and                        J. CARLIER : Nifedipine in secondary pulmonary hypertension. Clinical Respiratory Physiology, 1982, 18, 30-31.

22.    A. WALEFFE, P. MATERNE, D. EL ALLAF, J. CARLIER and H. KULBERTUS :                 Combined class I and class III antiarrhythmic agents for treatment of refractory recurrent ventricular tachycardia. International Symposium « New aspects in the medical treatment of tachyarrhythmias », Dusseldorf, september 16-18, 1982, Abstract Book, 20.

23.    D. EL ALLAF, N. GARZANITI, S. CREMERS, V. D’ORIO, R. MARCELLE and J. CARLIER : Nifedipine in secondary pulmonary hypertension.       Circulation, 1982, 66, suppl. II,         II-49.

24.    D. EL ALLAF, J.P. PIROTTE et J. CARLIER : L’influence de l’insuffisance cardiaque sur la pharmacocinétique des médicaments. Méd. et Hyg., 1982, 40, 4411-4416.

25.    J. PIROTTE, D. EL ALLAF and J. CARLIER : Correlation between demethylation rate of amionopyrine 14c by the liver and hemodynamic parameters in chronic right heart failure. Symposium on drug metabolism and the liver, Jolimont, novembre 1982, Abstract Book, 23.

26.    D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO, A. DRESSE and J. CARLIER : Sustained beneficial effects of oral AR-L 115 BS in pathients with severe heart failure. European J. Clin. Invest., 1983,              13,  26.

27.    J. CARLIER and D. EL ALLAF : Old and new inotropic drugs. The Third International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, Brussels, March 16-18, 1983, Proceedings p. 40-43.

28.    D. EL ALLAF, J.P. CHAPELLE, D. EL ALLAF, H. VAN CAUWENBERGE and C. HEUSGHEM : Multiple myeloma assessment by isoelectric focusing in patients with apparently increased beta-globulin on cellulose acetate electrophoresis, in : Protides of the biological fluids, 1983, 31, 719-722.

29.    J. CARLIER, D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO et S. CREMERS :  Acquisitions récentes dans le traitement de l’insuffisance cardiaque par substances inotropes positives.                  44ème Congrès français de Médecine, Tunis, 19-21 septembre 1983.  Résumé des communications, p. 5.

30.    A. WALEFFE, P. MATERNE, D. EL ALLAF, J. CARLIER and H. KULBERTUS : Combined class I antiarrhythmic agents and amiodarone for treatment of sustained, recurrent ventricular tachycardia, in : New aspects in the medical treatment of tachyarrhytmias. Role of amiodarone, edited by G. BREITHARD & FLOOGEN, URBAN & SCHWARZENBERG, 1983, 186-191.

31.    J. PIROTTE and D. EL ALLAF : Effect of age and sex on the N-demethylation rate of          14c-aminopyrine, studied by breath-test. Digestion, 1983, 28 (4), 210-215.

32.    D. EL ALLAF, S. CREMERS, V. D’ORIO, A. DRESSE and J. CARLIER : Hemodynamic effects and pharmacokinetic parameters of AR-L 115 BS in patients with severe heart failure. Intensive Care Méd., 1983, 9, 185.

33.    J. CARLIER, et D. EL ALLAF : Les interactions médicamenteuses en cardiologie. Entretiens de Bichat. Colloques avec le praticien. Expansion scientifique française, 1983, 244-246.

34.    J. PIROTTE, D. EL ALLAF and J. CARLIER : Correlation between demethylation rate of           14c-aminopyrine (breath-test) and hemodynamic parameters in congestive heart failure. Int. J. Clin. Pharm. Res., 1983, 3 (6), 485-489.

35.    D. EL ALLAF, S. CREMERS, V. D’ORIO, A. DRESSE and J. CARLIER :                     Hemodynamic effects and pharmacokinetic parameters of AR-L 115 BS in patients  with severe heart failure. II World Conference on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Washington D.C., 1983, July 31 augustus 5, Abstract Book, p. 136, n° 791.

36.    V. D’ORIO, D. EL ALLAF, J. JUCHMES and R. MARCELLE : The use of low doses of dopamine in intensive care medicine. Symposium on « The use of positive inotropes in intensive caremedicine », Brussels, October 8, 1983, Proceedings, 9-13.

37.    D. EL ALLAF, S. CREMERS, V. D’ORIO and J. CARLIER : The future of inotropic drugs. Symposium on « The use of positive inotropes in intensive care medicine », Brussels, October 8, 1983, Proceedings, 14-16.

38.    D. EL ALLAF, S. CREMERS, V. D’ORIO and J. CARLIER : The interest of associating Dopamine with dobutamine in the treatment of cardiac failure secondary to acute myocardial infarction. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 1984, 35, 238, nIIB.

39.    V. D’ORIO and D. EL ALLAF : Low dose of dopamine infusion; hemodynamic and natriuretic responses. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 1984, 35, 236, nIIID.

40.    D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO and J. CARLIER : Value of sulmazol in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 1984, 35, 238, nIIIB.

41.    D. EL ALLAF, H. HADJOUDJ, L. HENRARD, G. BORLEE, H. VAN CAUWENBERGE and            R. MARCELLE : Pulmonary lymphangiomyomatosis. A case report and survey of the literature. Eur. J. Respir. Dis., 1984, 65 (2), 147-152.

42.    D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO et J. CARLIER : Intérêt des mesures hémodynamiques dans le cadre du traitement de l’infarctus aigu du myocarde. Résumé du « National  Symposium on hemodynamic monitoring », Bruxelles, 1984, 27 mars, 1-7.

43.    J. CARLIER and D. EL ALLAF : Old and new inotropic drugs. Resuscitation, 1984, 11 (3-4), 217-231.

44.    L. PIERARD, D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO, J.C. DEMOULIN and J. CARLIER :                         Two-dimensional echocardiographic guiding of endomyocardial biopsy.  Chest, 1984, 85 (6), 759-762.

45.    D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO and J. CARLIER : AR-L 115 BS  in pulmonary hypertension secondary to chronic   obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Eur. Heart J., 1984,  5  (Abst. Suppl. 1), 96, n° 410.

46.    D. EL ALLAF, C. MARCHAL, M. EL ALLAF, J.P. CHAPELLE, A. DELEIXHE et J. CARLIER : Evolution en fonction de l’âge et du sexe, de l’urée, de la créatinine et de la clairance de créatinine. Arch. internat. Physiol. Biochim., 1984, 92 (3), 249-254.

47.    D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO and J. CARLIER : Acute and sustained hemodynamic and clinical effects of a new inotropic agent AR-L 115 BS. Eur. Heart J., 1984,                           5 (Abst. Suppl. 1), 266, n° 2356.

48.    L. PIERARD, D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO, L. HENRARD and J. CARLIER : Tricuspid regurgitation induced by ventricular pacing, absent in sequential atrioventricular pacing. Eur. Heart J., 1984, 5 (Abst. Suppl. 1), 303, n° 1504.

49.    L. PIERARD, D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO, J.C. DEMOULIN and J. CARLIER :   Endomyocardial biopsy by two-dimensional echocardiography. Eur. Jheart J., 1984,          5 (Abst. Suppl. 1), 334, n° 1621.

50.    D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO, S. CREMERS and J. CARLIER : Acute clinical benefits of a new inotropic agent AR-L 115 BS after IV and oral administration. Giornale Italiano di Cardiologica. 1984, vol. XIV/II, n° 10, 830-834.

51.    D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO et J. CARLIER : Traitement de la phase aiguë de l’infarctus            du myocarde en fonction des paramètres hémodynamiques. Médecine et hygiène, 1984, 42, 3958-3965.

52.    D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO and J. CARLIER : Nifedipine : an update of its therapeutic efficacy in pulmonary hypertension.   Cardiovascular Reviews and Reports, 1984, 5, 1123-1128.

53.    V. D’ORIO, D. EL ALLAF et R. MARCELLE : Surveillance hémodynamique et traitement symptomatique du choc infectieux. Médecine et Hygiène, 1984, 42, 3952-3957.

54.    D. EL ALLAF, M. SPRYNGER and J. CARLIER : Potentiation of the action of oral anticoagulants by amiodarone. Acta Clinica Belgica, 1984, 39 (5), 306-308.

55.    J. CARLIER et D. EL ALLAF : Comment utiliser les digitaliques? Sem. Hôp. Paris, 1984, 60, n° 34-35, 2510-2513.

56.    V. D’ORIO, D. EL ALLAF, J. JUCHMES and R. MARCELLE : The use of low doses of dopamine in intensive care medeicine. Arch. internat. Physiol. Biochim., 1984, 92 (4), S11-S20.

57.    D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO and J. CARLIER : The new inotropic phosphodiesterase inhibitors. The use of positive inotropic drugs in intensive care medicine.                    Arch. internat. Physiol. Biochim., 1984, 92 (4), S69-S79.

58.    D. EL ALLAF, S. CREMERS, V. D’ORIO and J. CARLIER : Combined haemodynamic effects of low doses of dopamine and dobutamine in patients with acute infarction and cardiac failure. The use of positive inotropic drugs in intensive care medicine.                          Arch. internat. Physiol. Biochim., 1984, 92 (4), S49-S55.

59.    D. EL ALLAF,  J.P. PIROTTE et J. CARLIER : Perturbation de la fonction microsomiale hépatique dans l’infarctus aigu du myocarde. Réunion commune des Sociétés belge et suisse de Cardiologie,  Montreux, 11-13 octobre 1984, Abstracts Book, p. 37.

60.    J. CARLIER, J. GRANDJEAN, V. D’ORIO, D. EL ALLAF, G. RORIVE, P. LAZIO : 3rd          Annual Meeting SMRM, New-York, 1984, Proceedings 134-135.

61.    D. EL ALLAF et J. CARLIER : Intérêt d’un système de Holter amélioré dans la surveillance des stimulateurs cardiaques. Coeur, 1985, 15, 195-205.

62.    R. BURETTE, D. EL ALLAF et R. LIMET : La tamponnade cardiaque comme symptôme inaugural d’une néoplasie cardiothoracique. Etude de 10 cas, rôle de la radiothérapie. Rev. méd. Liège, 1985, 40 (1), 8-13.

63.    L. PIERARD, D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO and J. CARLIER : Contrast echocardiography for diagnosing systemic venous and tricuspid regurgitation induced by ventricular pacing. Pace, 1985, 8, A-91.

64.    D. EL ALLAF, G. HENROTAUX, G. BOXHO and J. CARLIER : Carotid sinus hypersensitivity with vasodepressor component : comparison of blood pressure during ventricular and atrio-ventricular sequential pacing. Pace, 1985, 8, A-108.

65.    R. POIRRIER, D. EL ALLAF, G. FRANCO, F. JEANRAY and G. FRANCK : Cardiac output during sleep in three patients with sleep apnea syndrome. Sleep’84, ed. by W.P.KOELLA, E. RUTHER & H. SCHULZ, 1985, 411-413.

66.    Ph. LEMPEREUR, D. EL ALLAF and J. CARLIER : Haemodynamic effects of transdermal nitroglycerin (nitroderm TTS) in patients with severe congestive heart                      failure. Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy International Symposium, Geneva,                               April 22-25, 1985, Abstracts Book, n° 41.

67.    D. EL ALLAF, F. ANDRIEN and J. CARLIER : Long-term treatment of ventricular arrhythmias with sotalol. Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy International Symposium, Geneva, April 22-25, 1985, Abstracts Book, n° 197.

68.    J. DEFLANDRE, D. EL ALLAF, G. CALAY, M. CORNETTE, A. OGER, L. PIERARD et                  J.P. PIROTTE : Cirrhose décompensée et turgescence jugulaire : étude  hémodynamique d’un cas de cirrhose associée à une cardiomyopathie.  Acta Clinica Belgica, 1985, 40 (2), 105-111.

69.    N. GARZANITI, D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO, S. CREMERS, R. MARCELLE and J. CARLIER : Hemodynamic effects of nifedipine on secondary pulmonary hypertension in man.         Acta Cardiol., 1985, 40 (2), 207-215.

70.    D. EL ALLAF : Alteration of hepatic microsomial function in heart failure and in acute myocardial infarction. Acta Cardiol., 1985, 40, 539-541.

71.    L. PIERARD, D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO and J. CARLIER : Comparison of two contrast echocardiographic methods for diagnosing tricuspid regurgitation induced by ventricular pacing (Abstract). Acta Cardiol., 1985, 40, 552-553.

72.    A. WALEFFE, J. FOURNY, D. EL ALLAF and H. KULBERTUS : Further observations on the implantable automatic cardioverter-defibrillator (AICD).  5th Annual Symposium of the Belgian Working Group on Cardiac Pacing, in cooperation with the « Nederlandse werkgroep hartstimulatie ».  Proceeding Book, p. 13, October 4-5, 1985, Antwerp.

73.    M. QUINONEZ-VENEGAS, D. EL ALLAF, J. FOURNY et J. CARLIER :                                    Les dysfonctionnements de la stimulation cardiaque à double chambre. Valeur diagnostique de l’évaluation électrocardiographique ambulatoire de 24 heures (système Holter adapté).  5th Annual Symposium of the Belgian Working Group on Cardiac Pacing, in cooperation with the « Nederlandse werkgroep hartstimulatie ». Proceeding Book, 21-22, October 4-5, 1985, Antwerp.

74.    L. PIERARD, D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO and J. CARLIER : Contrast echocardiography              for diagnosing systemic ventricular pacing. Cardiac pacing. Electrophysiology. Tachyarrhythmias. F. PEREZ GOMEZ, Editor, Grouz Madrid, 1985, 548-553.

75.    D. EL ALLAF, G. HENROTAUX, G. BOXHO, J. GACH, L. HENRARD and J. CARLIER : Carotid sinus hypersensitivity with vasodepressor component : comparison of blood pressure during ventricular and atrio-ventricular sequential pacing. Cardiac Pacing. Electrophysiology. Tachyarrhythmias. F. PEREZ GOMEZ, Editor, Grouz Madrid, 1985, 238-242.

76.    P. MATERNE, M. VANDORMAEL, V. LEGRAND, P. MARCELLE, J. BOLAND, D. EL ALLAF,  R. LIMET, P. COLLIGNON and H.E. KULBERTUS : Intravenous thrombolysis and correction of residual stenosis in 125 patients with suspected acute myocardial infarction. International Symposium Preservation of Myocardial Function, Vienna,  June 19-21, 1985, Abstract Book.

77.    P. MATERNE, M. VANDORMAEL, V. LEGRAND, P. MARCELLE, R. LIMET, J. BOLAND,                    D. EL ALLAF, P. COLLIGNON and H.E. KULBERTUS : Intravenous thrombolysis and correction of residual stenosis in 125  patients with suspected acute myocardial infarction. 4th Joint Meeting of the Working Groups of the European Society of Cardiology, Brighton, 19-21 september 1985. Abstract Book.

78.    V. D’ORIO, D. EL ALLAF, S. VERA, A. FOSSION, J. JUCHMES and  R. MARCELLE :            Early changes in myocardial carbohydrate oxydative metabolism during E. Coli : endotoxin infusion in dog. Arch. internat. Physiol. Biochim., 1985, 93, 18-20.

79.    D. EL ALLAF et J. CARLIER : Les agents augmentant la contractilité myocardique autres que la digitaline. Journée de Cardiologie, Liège, 23 mars 1985. Résumé des Communications, p. 8.

80.    J.P. CHAPELLE, D. EL ALLAF, M. EL ALLAF and J. CARLIER : Patterns of CK-MB and myoglobin release after intracoronary perfusion with streptokinase : comparison with conventional treatment. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, J-L VINCENT, Ed., Brussels, 1985, p. 2.

81.    J.P. CHAPELLE, D. EL ALLAF, M. EL ALLAF, J. CARLIER and H.E. KULBERTUS : Patterns of total CK, CK-MB and myoglobin release following endomyocardial biopsy.                          Israël J. Clin. Biochem. Lab. Sciences, 1985, 4, 91.

82.    L. PIERARD, D. EL ALLAF, J. DEFLANCRE, J.C. DEMOULIN, C. JEGHERS,  H.E. KULBERTUS and J. CARLIER : Transient diastolic pulmonary valve opening in beriberi heart disease.Jounal of Cardiovascular Ultrasonography, 1985, 4, 275-280.

83.    L. PIERARD, D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO, J.C. DEMOULIN and J. CARLIER :                         Two-dimensional echocardiographic guiding of endomyocardial biopsy.              International Synopses, 1985.

84.    D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO, L. CROCHELET, L. PIERARD, P. RIGO,  J. CARLIER et                     H.E. KULBERTUS : Mesure de la fonction ventriclaire droite par thermodilution dans l’infarctus myocardique aigu inférieur. 13ème Congrès de Cardiologie de langue française. Fort de France, 9-11 décembre 1985, Résumé des Communications, p. 37.

85.    J.P. CHAPELLE, M. EL ALLAF, D. EL ALLAF, J. CARLIER et C. HEUSGHEM :                       Contrôle de l’efficacité du traitement fibrinolytique par mesures répétées de la           CK-MB sérique chez le patient atteint d’infarctus myocardique aigu.                                       13ème Congrès de Cardiologie de langue française. Fort de France, 9-1. décembre 1985, Résumé des Communications, p. 21.

86.    J.P. CHAPELLE, M. EL ALLAF, D. EL ALLAF et A. ALBERT : Avantage d’une nouvelle méthode de dosage de la CK-MB dans le diagnostic précoce de l’infarctus du           myocarde. 13ème Congrès de Cardiologie de langue française. Fort de France,                                   9-11 décembre 1985, Résumé des Communications, p. 22.

87.    N. GARZANITI, D. EL ALLAF, P. COLLIGNON, R. LIMET et J. CARLIER : Conséquences hémodynamiques des résections pulmonaires associées à une radiothérapie pour néoplasie bronchique. Coeur, 1985, 16, S77-S82.

88.    J. CARLIER, J. GRANDJEAN, V. D’ORIO, D. EL ALLAF, G. RORIVE, P. SASLO : Vascular tissue studied in vitro NMR. Comparison with cardiac tissue in normal and pathological conditions. 3rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 1985, New-York, Proceedings, 134-135.

89. V. D’ORIO, D. EL ALLAF, S. VAIRA, A. FOSSION, J. JUCHMES and R. MARCELLE :  Early changes in myocardial carbohydrate oxydative metabolism during E. Coli endotoxine infusion in dog. Arck. Intrenat. Physiol. Biochim., 1985, 93, 18-20.

90.    L. PIERARD, D. EL ALLAF, V. D’ORIO, J.C. DEMOULIN and J. CARLIER :                          Two-dimensional echocardiographic guiding of endomyocardial scopy. International Synopsis, 1985, 127-128.

91.    V. D’ORIO, D. EL ALLAF, S. VERA, A. FOSSION, J. JUCHMES and R. MARCELLE :                Lack of defective cardiac oxydative metabolism in intact dogs suggested to a prolonged low-dose infusion of Escherichia Coli endotoxin. Circ. Shock,1986, 18 (1), 43-52.

92.    D. EL ALLAF et J. CARLIER : Le traitement de la décompensation dans l’infarctus aigu du myocarde. Journée de Cardiologie, Liège, 22 mars 1986. Résumé des Communications, 18-19.

93. D. EL ALLAF, J.P. CHAPELLE, D. EL ALLAF, A. ADAM, Ph. LAURENT, M-E FAYMONVILLE and C. HEUSGHEM : Differentiating muscle damage from from myocardium injury by means of the serum creatine kinase (CK) isoenzyme MB mass measurament/total CK activity ratio. Clin. Chem., 1986, 32 (2), 291-295.

94. D. EL ALLAF, R. BURETTE, L. PIERARD and R. LIMET : Cardiac tamponade as the first manifestation of cardiothoracic malignancy : a study of 10 cases. Europ. Heart J., 1986, 7 (3), 247-253.

95. D. EL ALLAF, L. CROCHELET, L. PIERARD, P. LEMPEREUR, C. MARCHAL, D. RAETS, J. CARLIER, P. RIGO and H.E. KULBERTUS : Diagnosis and management of right ventricular myocardial infarction, in : Update in intensive care and emergency medicine, ed. Springer Verlag, J-L VINCENT, Ed., 1986, 190-193 (Sixth International Symposium on intensive care and emergency medicine).

96. D. EL ALLAF, J. CARLIER, A. DRESSE : Effects of age on the pharmacokinetics of mexiletine.Int. J. Clin. Pharm. Res., 1986, 6 (4), 303-307.

97. J.P. CHAPELLE, D. EL ALLAF, M. EL ALLAF, C. HEUSGHEM, J. CARLIER, H.E. KULBERTUS : Serum creatine kinase iosenzyme MB concentration after endomyocardial biopsy. Clin. Ghim. Acta, 1986, 157 (1), 55-63.

98. DEFLANDRE, J. PIROTTE, D. EL ALLAF, J. CARLIER : Effet du Sotalol sur l’hypertension portale du cirrhotique. Résultats préliminaires d’une étude hémodynamique cardiaque et hépatique. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 1986, 40 (4), 154-157.

99. D. EL ALLAF, J-M BOUTEFEU, J. CARLIER, M.J.S. BEGEMAN, P. HOLLANDER : Preliminary experience with the Cordis Orthoco II model 284 A anti-tachycardia pacemaker. 6th Annual Symposium of the Belgian Working Group on Cardiac Pacing. Abstract Book, 1986, p. 10.

100. D. EL ALLAF, A. ZGHEIB, J.C. DEMOULIN, J. CARLIER, H. KULBERTUS : Histologic findings in patients with spontaneous ventricular tachycardia but without apparent structural heart disease. In Progress in clinical pacing, Rome 1986, Ed. M. SANTINI, M. PISTOLE & A. ALLIERGRO, 174-176.

101. D. EL ALLAF, E. DEMEY-PONSART, J. PIROTTE, J-P CHAPELLE, M. EL ALLAF, J. CARLIER, H. VAN CAUWENBERGE : Rôle de l’alpha-1-glycoprotéine acide plasmatique dans la fixation de l’aminopyrine. Arch. Internat. Physiol. Bioch., 1986, 94 (5), 317-322.

102. V. D’ORIO, D. EL ALLAF, S. UERA, A. FOSSION, J. JUCHMES and R. MARCELLE : Lack of defection cardiac oxydative metabolism in intact dogs subjected to a prolonged low-dose infusion of Escherichia Coli endotoxine. Circ. Shock, 1986, 18, 43-52.

103. J.C. DEMOULIN, D. EL ALLAF, J. BONIVER, H.E. KULBERTUS : Signification des infiltrats inflammatoires observés en biopsie cardiaque. 14ème Congrès de Cardiologie de langue française, Bruxelles, 27-29 avril 1987, résumé page 72.

104. A. ALBERT, J.P. CHAPELLE, D. EL ALLAF, C. HEUSGHEM, H.E. KULBERTUS : Computerization and Routine use of a dynamic risk index for acute Myocardial infarction Patients. Zincker (ed.). Optimal use of the clinical laboratory. 5th Int. Meet. Clin. Lab. Organisation and Managements, Harfa 1985, 101-110 (KARGER, BASEL 1986).

105. D. EL ALLAF, A. ZGEIB, V. D’ORIO, J. CARLIER, H. KULBERTUS and G. CREMER : Effet of oral enoximone on cardiac rythm in CHF. In : Abstract Book of Xth World Congress of Cardiology, Washington DC, 1986, 364.

106. J.P. CHAPELLE, D. EL ALLAF, M. EL ALLAF, J. CARLIER, H.E. KULBERTUS, C. HEUSGHEM : Patterns of total CK, CK-MB and myoglobin release following endomyocardial biopsy. Adv. Clin. Enzymol., col 5, 103-109 (KARGER-BASEL 1987). D.W. MOSS, E. SCHMIDT and F.W. SCHMIDT Eds.

107. A. CHACHATI, D. EL ALLAF, G. CORNET, J. CARLIER, H. KULBERTUS, J.P. GODON : Cardiac arrhythmias in dialysis patients : importance of dialysate and of extracellular magnesium. Symposium « Arrhythmias, 10 years of progress ». Mars 1987, Valence. Proceedings p. 41, 1987.

108. J.P. CHAPELLE, M. EL ALLAF, D. EL ALLAF, A. ALBERT : L’immuno-enzymétrie améliore les performances diagnostiques du dosage de la CK-MB chez le ptaient atteint d’infarctus du myocarde. In : « Recueil des Conférences des 6èmes Journées Nationales de la SFBC » , 1987, p. 218.

109. D. EL ALLAF, G. CREMER, A.M. JODEROHLUNBUSCH, A. ZGEIB, J. CARLIER, J.M. ORWIN : An oral dose-finding study of enoximone in CHF. Cardiovascular drugs and therapy, vol. 1, nb 3, p. 210, 1987.

110. J. DEFLANDRE, V. GILLARD, J. PIROTTE, D. EL ALLAF, J. CARLIER : Effects of sotalol on blocked suprahepatic pressure in cirrhotic patients. Ann Gastroenterol Hepatol (Paris), Dec 1987, Vol. 23 (7), 359-361.

111. D. EL ALLAF : Les nouvelles applications thérapeutiques de la molsidomine. L’activité thérapeutique internationale, N° 63, octobre 1987, 10-11.

112. J.C. DEMOULIN, J. JARDOW-JEGHERS, D. EL ALLAF, A. ZGEIB, J. BONIVER, H.E. KULBERTUS : Morphological and immunohistological findings in 60 cardiac biopsies of patients with 16 mm Hg or more at the time of biopsy. Acta Cardiologica, 1988, vol. XLIII, p. 498.

113. J.C. DEMOULIN, D. EL ALLAF, V. MAHAUS, H. KULBERTUS : Postpartum cardio-myopathy : 7 cases studied by myocardial biopsy. Acta Cardiologica, 1988, vol. XLIII, p. 498.

114. A. ZGHEIB, D. EL ALLAF, J.C. DEMOULIN, J. CARLIER : Adriamycin : a potential cause of hypomagnesemia. Acta Clinica Belgica, 1988, vol. 43, suppl. 12, p. 249.

115. D. EL ALLAF, R. ARBOGAST, R.A. FOALE, R.A. E. INSTALLE, F. SCHNEIDER, G. CREMER and A.M. JORDER-OHLENBUSCH : Hémodynamic effects of single oral doses of piroximone (MDL 19.205) in patients with congestive heart failure : multicentric study. In : Acta Cardiologica, XLIV, 72-73, 1989.

116. D. EL ALLAF, A.M. JORDER-OHLENBUSCH and G. CREMER : Effects of piroximone on ventricular arrhythmias in CHF. In : Abstract of the first international workshop on new trends in cardiovascular therapy and technology, Genoa, 1989, 140.

117. BAUMANN, D. EL ALLAF, B. LETAC, S. DEGRE, M. GOETHALS, A.M. JORDER-OHLENBUSCH and G. CREMER : An oral dose-finding study of piroximone in congestive heart failure. In : Abstract of the first international workshop on new trends in cardiovascular therapy and technology, Genoa, 1989, 141.

118. D. EL ALLAF, A.M. JORDER-OHLENBUSCH and G. CREMER : An oral dose-finding study of piroximone in congestive heart failure. In : Atherosclerosis and cardiovascular Disease, 1989, 4, 391-396.

119. D. EL ALLAF, J.P. CHAPELLE, D. EL ALLAF and H.E. KULBERTUS : Significance of serum creatine kinase isoforms for assessing myocardial infarction. Eur. Heart J., 1989, 10, suppl. 1, 224.

120. D. EL ALLAF : Treatment of ventricular arrhythmias using a DDD pacemaker with dynamic overdrive. Vitatext, 1989, 22-23.

121. D. EL ALLAF, J.P. SMEETS, A. KASSAB, S. CREMERS, Ph. EVRARD, D. BLOMMAERT : First experience with a new DDD pacemaker with detailed Holter functions. Rev. Eur. de Techn. Biomédicale (R.B.M.) 1990, vol. 12, n° 3, 24.

122. QUILLIET, A. LE HELLOCO, M. LANG, D. GALLEY, R. LEGGHE, T. DELIERE, B. VAN BEERS, D. DELWARTE, D. EL ALLAF : Preliminary results of a multicenter trial (86 patients) with a new vena canal filter : the filcard filter R.B.M., 1990, vol. 12, n° 3, 190.

123. D. EL ALLAF, B. DEMEURE, C. MASHSHINI, D. BLOMMAERT : Cardiopulmonary exercise treating with rate response pacing : a comparison of one month VVI and VVIR pacing. R.B.M., 1990, vol. 12, n° 3, 190.

124. J.P. CHAPELLE and D. EL ALLAF : Changes in serum total creatine kinase (CK), CK-MB and myogloin levels after intracardiac shocus for atrial defibrillation. Progr. Med. Lab. 1990, 4 (5), 441.

125. D. EL ALLAF, R. MAL, E. STIERNON : Is double shock more effective than single shock in trancatheter ablation of AV node HIS bundle? Acta Cardiologica, 1991, vol. XLVI, nb 4, 506.

126. D. EL ALLAF, A. FLORIANI, J.C. DEMOULIN : Cardiac arrhythmias in chronic myocarditis. Xith annual session of the BW 6 CPE, 1991, 14.

127. D. EL ALLAF : Hemodynamic monitoring in myocardial infarction. From strategy in bedside hemodynamic monitoring edited by J.F. DHAINAUT and D. PAYEN. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 1991, 170-178.

128. J.P. CHAPELLE, D. EL ALLAF and M. EL ALLAF : Serum levels of myosin heavy chains and other tissue markers compared in patients with myocardial infarction and angina pectoris. Clin. Chem., 1991, 37, 1062-1063.

129. J.P. CHAPELLE, D. EL ALLAF and M. EL ALLAF : Comparison of the performances of myoglobin and CK-MB for the early diagnosis of myocardial infarction. In : « Procedings of the Ixth European Congress of clinical chemistry ». A. Marczynska, Ed. Comptext, Warszawa, 1991, 107.

130. J.P. CHAPELLE, D. EL ALLAF and M. EL ALLAF : Comparison of the diagnostic performances of early myoglobin and CK-MB measurements in patients suspected of myocardial infarction. Ann. Biol. Clin., 1992, 50, 542.

131. D. EL ALLAF, B. DEMEURE, F. GITS, J. BEKERS : Initial esperience of the first rate responsive pacemaker using a dual sensor. Acta Cardiologica, 1992, vol. XLVII, 6, 559-560.

132. D. EL ALLAF and B. DEMEURE : Elimination of AV nodal tachycardia using slow potentials to guide radiofrequency ablation. Acta Cardiologica, 1992, vol. XLVII, 6, 585.

133. A. ZGHEIB, D. EL ALLAF, J. DEMONTY, G. RORIVE : Intrathoracic infections with bacteraemia due to Eikenella corrodens as a complication of peritonsillar abscesses: report of a case and review of the literature. Acta Clin Belg, 1992, Vol. 47 (2), 124-128.

134. J.P. CHAPELLE and D. EL ALLAF : Early diagnosis of myocardial infarction using a new automated immunoassay for serum myoglobin. European Heart J., 1993, 14, Abs. suppl. 32.

135. D. EL ALLAF, J. BECKERS, B. DEMEURE, F. GITS, J.P. DEGEYE : One year experience with 21 patients implanted with a rate responsive pacemaker using a dual sensor. Pace, 1993, vol. 16, n° 5, PART II, 1205.

136. D. EL ALLAF : La cibenzoline orale en prévention des récidives : efficace et sûre. Une étude multicentrique. Patient care, Ed. : « New strategies in the treatment of atrial fibrillation and flutter », 1993, 4-5.

137. D. EL ALLAF, J. BECKERS, B. DEMEURE, F. GITS, J.P. DEGEYE : One year experience with 21 patients implanted with a rate responsive pacemaker using a dual sensor. In : Euro-pace 93, Edited by A.E. AUBERT, H. ECTOR, R. STROOBANDT, Monduzzi Editore, 1993, 295-298.

138. D. EL ALLAF and B. DEMEURE : Radiofréquency ablation of Kent’s bundles : initial experience in 25 patients. Acta Cardiologica, 1994, vol. XLIX, n° 1, 193.

139. J.P. CHAPELLE, K. LEMACHE, M. EL ALLAF, D. EL ALLAF, L. PIERARD : Fast determination of myoglobin in serum using a new radial partition immuno-assay. Clinical Biochemistry, 1994, 27 (5), 423-428.

140. J.P. CHAPELLE and D. EL ALLAF : Changes in creatine kinase (CK), CK-MB, myoglobin and myosin light chains after intracardial shocus for atrial defibrillation. Am. J. cardiol., Submitted.

141. D. EL ALLAF, E. SCHIFFEERS, and N. KORMOSS : Cibenzoline in the prevention of reccurence of supraventricular arrythmias. Acta Cardiologica, 1995, vol. 50 (1), 53-64.

142. J. P. CHAPELLE, L. PIERARD, D. EL ALLAF : Comparison of cardiac troponin I, total CK, CK-MB and myoglobin as early markers of coronary reperfusion after thrombolysis in myocardial infarction patients. J. Heart Fail., 1995, 2, A 444.

143. J.P. CHAPELLE, L. PIERARD, D. EL ALLAF : Early assessment of coronary reperfusion after fibrinolysis by measuring cTnI, CK-MB and myoglobin in serum. Proceedings of the Colloquium « Ischemic myocardial damage early detection : biochemical markers ». Kaski J.C. Ed. European Heart House Publ., p A1, 1996.

144. J.P. CHAPELLE, M. JAMAR, D. EL ALLAF : Influence of thrombolytic agents on serum levels of myocardial markers after acute myocardial infarction. Proceedings of the 20th Symposium of the Belgian Society of Clinical Biology. A. Verstraete, Ed., 1996, p. 52.

145. J.P. CHAPELLE, M. JAMAR, D. EL ALLAF : Comparison of serum cardiac markers in acute mi patients according to the fibrinolytic treatment : streptokinase, tPA or apsac. Proceedings of the 14th Colloquium « Actualités en immuno-analyse et biologie spécialisée » J. Ingrand, Ed., Publication Corata, 1997, p 99.

146. J.P. CHAPELLE, D. EL ALLAF : Comparison of cardiac troponin I release after power-controlled and temperature-controlled radiofrequency ablation. Proceedings of the 12th Congress of Clinical Chemistry, D.J. Vonderschmitt, Ed. Medlab 97 publischer, 1997, p 120.

147. A. HJALMARSON, S. GOLDSTEIN, B. FAGERBERG, H. WEDEL, F. WAAGSTEIN, J. KJEKSHUS, J. Wikstrand, D. EL ALLAF et al. : Effect of metoprolol CR/XL in chronic heart failure : Metoprolol CR/XL. randomised intervention trial in congestive heart Failure (MERIT HF). The Lancet, 1999, vol. 353. N° 9169. PP 2001-2007.

148. A. HJALMARSON, S. GOLDSTEIN, B. FAGERBERG, H. WEDEL, F. WAAGSTEIN, J. KJEKSHUS, J. Wikstrand, D. EL ALLAF et al. : Effects of controlled-release metoprolol on total mortality, hospitalizations, and well-being in patients with heart Failure. The Metoprolol CR/XL Randomized Intervention Trial in congestive heart Failure (MERIT HF). The Journal of the american Medical association, March 8, 2000, vol. 283 (10), 1295-1302.

149. D. EL ALLAF : Atrial sensing performance of the Guidant/Intermedics pulsar VDD/Unipass single pass lead system : preliminary results of the Guidant/Intermedics pulsar VDD/Unipass evaluation »; IX international symposium on Progress in Clinical Pacing; Rome, décember 5-8, 2000.

150. D. EL ALLAF, P. ATTUEL : European multicenter study on the prevention of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation by permanent overdrive pacing : atrial rate behavior and patient tolerance. Progress in Biomedical Research, volume 5, december 2000. PP 449-54.

151. THE VALIANT INVESTIGATORS : Valsartan in acute myocardial infarction trial (Valiant) : rationale and design, Am. Heart J., 2000; 140:727-34.

152. M. PAPOUCHADO, D. EL ALLAF, R. DEPERON, A. TIMMERMANS, B. NOWAK, S. HENRY : A new single pass lead system : preliminary results of the Guidant/Intermedics pulsar VDD/Unipass evaluation. Europace Supplements, Vol. 2, January 2001, A13.

153. D. EL ALLAF, A. VAN DEN BOS, W. DE VOOGT, J. SCHROEDER-TANKA, J. Voitk, HASSO UUETOA, PH. DE VUSSER, W. VAN MIEGHEM, G. MAIRESSE, M. BERKHOF : Low atrial septum pacing & dynamic atrial overdrive to lower AF burden, B38 Europace Supplements, Vol. 2, June 2001.

154. K.H. KONZ, I. SZENDEY, D. EL ALLAF, J. BRACHMANN, V. SCHIBGILLA, P. ATTUEL : Efficacy of DDD+ Mode in the Prevention of Paroxysmal Atrial Tachyarrhythmias : Interim Results of a Multicenter European Study, Progress in Biomedical Research, June 2001, PP 269-275.

155. J. GOUJON-DUBOIS, D. EL ALLAF : Le Cas Clinique du Mois, Insuffisance trivalvulaire -associée à l’utilisation chronique d’Ergotamine, Revue Médicale de Liège, 2003; 58 (2) : 2 : 70-72

156. S. LOSCHER, S. HANSEN, G. KALTOFEN, H. SCHUBERT, J. BODNAR, D. EL ALLAF, P. LUKAC, T. HAUSER, A. HARTMANN : Pacemaker programming in clinical practice: three months interim results from the Philos register, Progress in Biomédical Research, vol. 8, March 2003, vol. 1 : 44-50.

157. P. ATTUEL, D. DENILOVIC, K.H. KONZ, J. BRACHMANN, D. EL ALLAF, S. LOSCHER, C. GOMES, T. SCHEIBNER, V. SCHIBGILLA, I. SZENDEY, A. HARTMANN : Relationship between selected overdrive parameters and the therapeutic outcome and tolerance of atrial overdrive pacing. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol, Jan 2003, 26 (1 Pt2), 257-263.

158. K.H. KONZ, D. DENILOVIC, J. BRACHMANN, P. ATTUEL, D. EL ALLAF, C. JOHN, K. MALINOWSKI, U. LE BLANC, I. SZENDEY, V. SCHIBGILLA, T. MOTZKE : The influence of concomitant drug therapy on the efficacy of atrial overdrive stimulation for prevention of atrial tachyarrhythmias. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol, Jan 2003, Vol. 26 (1 Pt 2): 272-277.

159. A. ANCION, V. MARCHAL, D. EL ALLAF, R. MAAMAR : Long-term of Cardiac resynchronisation (CRT) in patients with refractory heart failure and left bundle branch block, Liban, Beyrouth, 06-09 October 2004.

160. D.J. VAN VELDHUISEN, H. AASS, D. EL ALLAF, P.H.J.M. DUNSELMAN, L. GULLESTAD, M. HALINEN, J. KJEKSHUS, L. OHLSSON, H. WEDEL, J. WIKSTRAND : Presence and development of atrial fibrillation in chronic heart failure. Experiences from the MERIT-HF Study, European Journal of Heart Failure, 2006, vol.8 (5): 539 – 546.

161. V. MARCHAL, D. EL ALLAF: La Cas clinique du mois: Ballonisaton apicale du ventricule gauche: Le Syndrome de Tako-Tsubo, Revue Médicale de Liège, 2007, 62 (2): 71-72.

162. W. DE VOOGT, N. VAN HEMEL, Ph. DE VUSSER, G.H. MAIRESSE, R. VAN MECHELEN, J. KOISTINEN, A. VAN DEN BOS, I. ROOSE, J. VOITK, S. YLI-MÄYRY, D. STOCKMAN, D. EL ALLAF, H.F. TSE, C.P. LAU : No evidence of automatic atrial overdrive pacing efficacy on reductioni of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, Europace Advance Access published August 1, 2007.

163. G.MANTOVANI, E. HOFFMANN, D. EL ALLAF, J.J.M. TIMMERMANS, R. THOMAS, E. PRADES, P. DUCLOUX, J.M. DAVY : Long-term performance of the safer mode in reducing unnecessary rv pacing according to pacing indications at implant time, Europace supplements, July 2008, 10 (S1): i25 (18P_35)

164. U. WIEGAND, D. GRAS, L. FRABETTI, D. EL ALLAF, A.J.M. TIMMERMANS, R. THOMAS, E. PRADES, P. DUCLOUX, J.M. DAVY : Long-term follow-up of atrioventricular blocks in dual-chamber pacemaker patients without AV conduction disorders at implant, Europace supplements, July 2008, 10 (S1): i106 (163L_2)

165. S. ROSSIL, M. BISIOLIL, D. GALLEY, D. EL ALLAF, A.J.M. TIMMERMANS, R. THOMAS, E. PRADES, P. DUCLOUX, J.M. DAVY : Monitoring AV blocks in selected pacemaker patients with proven intermittent AV conduction disturbances: Long-term performance of the safer mode, Europace supplements, July 2008, 10 (S1): i106 (163L_4)

Publications du Dr Marchal Vanessa

01. Atrial septal wall pacing: ECG and hemodynamic implications. D. El Allaf, V. Marchal, R. Maamar, B. Demeure. Second Middle East Cardiopace: From pill to wire and devices – 28.09-01.10.05

02 .Long-term results of cardiac resynchronisation (CRT) in patients with refractory heart failure and left bundle branch block. A. Ancion, D. El Allaf, V. Marchal, R. Maamar. Acta Cardiologica, 60: 81; 2005

03 .Le cas clinique du mois: Ballonisation apicale du ventricule gauche: Le Syndrome de Tako-Tsubo. V. Marchal, D. El Allaf. Revue médicale de Liège 2007, 62 : 2, 71-72.

04. Horton’s aortitis: V Marchal, M. Sprynger, European  Journal of Echocardiography:May13,2008

05. Thrombosis of ulnar artery pseudoaneurism secondary to monotraumatic lesion.V.Marchal, D.El Allaf,M.Sprynger: submission to archives of cardiovascular disease

06. Présentation d’un poster à la société française de medicine vasculaire sur l’aortite de Horton.

07. Measuring residual functional capacity after cardiac surgery and evaluation recruitment maneuvers on FRC: submitted to publication

08 .Soumission d’un poster “Mesure du volume de fin d’expiration (VFE) en cours de ventilation controlee après chirurgie cardiaque:V.Marchal,T.Sottiaux,B.Pujol,P.Damas” a la SRLF

09 . Co-promoteur d’un memoire en vue de l’obtention du grade en Master en Kinesitherapie et readaptation portant sur “Evolution des parametres respiratoires des operes cardiaques après chirurgie valvulaire et/ou pontage aorto-coronaire avec ou sans recutement post-operatoire”

10 . Lack of efficacity of non specific enolase and somesthesic evoked potentials: clinical case: submitted to publication

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